Monday, May 25, 2009


My eye keeps twitching so I probably need sleep.

I dont think its stress.. I'm pretty much done with my first summer class and not too worried about how I did.

I have been thinking though and "Ends" got me really pondering my own situations and I realized that I just.. dont connect fully to people. I dont know, I can open up and it will feel like everything is all clicking but people can come and go in my life so easily. I cant count on one hand the number of amazing friends who I felt so close to at the time and now I talk to once a year maybe.
Actually I have a journal from a middle school friend who equated our friendship to the ocean and now she is almost a complete stranger to me.. thank God they invented facebook or I really wouldnt keep up with anyone. That is a really sad truth. I actually found my childhood best friend on facebook and realized we hadnt spoken in like, 10 years. She had been my BEST FRIEND, we did everything together.. but we grow up. Well the scary thing is you never stop growing up., so how do you know who will stay through the changes?

I watched Jon and Kate after endless hours of Deadliest Catch and I realized the following:
1. Life is really fragile
Be it men crab fishing on the Bering Sea or college kids just driving thier car life can be taken in an instant. A boy in one of my classes freshman year died a month ago, I went on a trip to Atlanta with him once as a Model UN thing and he died, and I didnt know, it didnt effect my life at all. I mean, we werent close or anything but, it just hit home that people can disappear and not come back.
2. You cant be prepared for life
It didnt matter if Kate had everything planned to a T, Jon was a person too, who made his own decisions, just like people you might count on can still disappoint you.

I probably learned more but that sums the majority of it up.

1 comment:

  1. kourtney, i've always felt we have a lot in common. not only with the connecting and in and out friends, but a guy i went to australia with died about 3 weeks after we got back. he got struck by lightening, and sometimes i think about him. i only talked to him a few times but i feel like i got to witness his true self one night. i dont know, i never really know what to think about it, except that that could have been me. i hope we always stay friends
